hanziDB Explore Chinese characters. Meaning, pinyin, strokes and much more.
Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

Dictionary - results for see

gòu- complete
- meet unexpectedly
- see
- see 㐖毒[Ye4 du2]
jià- sentence-final particle, contraction of "嘅呀" (Cantonese)
- see also [kai4]
- see 㚻姦|㚻奸[ji1 jian1]
- (baby talk) poop
- see 㞎㞎[ba3 ba5]
jiā- see [jue2]
huò- see 㺢㹢狓[huo4 jia1 pi1]
zōng- see 螉䗥[weng1 zong1]
- see 䰾魚|鲃鱼[ba1 yu2]
- see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]
shǎng- see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]
shù- see 豎筆|竖笔[shu4 bi3]
zhǔ- "dot" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 3)
- see also |[dian3]
丿丿piě- radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 4)
- see [pie3]
zhé- turning stroke (in Chinese characters)
- see also [zhe2]
miē- to squint
- what? (Cantonese)
- see also 乜嘢[mie1 ye3]
- phonetic pol, used in Korean place name
- see Polha 乶下[Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸鏡道|咸镜道[Xian2 jing4 dao4]
jué- "vertical stroke with hook" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 6)
- see also 豎鉤|竖钩[shu4 gou1]
chù- step with the right foot
- see 彳亍[chi4 chu4]
- see 仔肩[zi1 jian1]
- see 仡佬族[Ge1 lao3 zu2], Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou
- Taiwan pr. [Qi4]
Líng- see 令狐[Ling2 hu2]
líng- see 脊令[ji2 ling2]
- name of tribe
- see 仫佬族[Mu4 lao3 zu2], Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi
diào- see 伄儅[diao4 dang1]
gōu- see 佝僂|佝偻[gou1 lou2]
kòu- see 佝瞀[kou4 mao4]
- see 逢俉[feng2 wu2], to come across sth scary
- to have a fright
- see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]
cháng- see 倘佯[chang2 yang2]
- Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan
- see 傈僳[Li4 su4]
jiā- see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
Jiāo- see 僬僥|僬侥[Jiao1 Yao2]
jiāo- see 僬僬[jiao1 jiao1]
Yǎn- see 兗州|兖州[Yan3 zhou1]
jiōng- radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in , , etc
- see also 同字框[tong2 zi4 kuang4]
rǎn- edge of a tortoiseshell
- see 冉冉[ran3 ran3]
- "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in , , etc
- see also 禿寶蓋|秃宝盖[tu1 bao3 gai4]
- see also 平寶蓋|平宝盖[ping2 bao3 gai4]
bīng- "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15), occurring in , ,
- see also 兩點水|两点水[liang3 dian3 shui3]
dāo- "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18)
- see also 立刀旁[li4 dao1 pang2]
- see also 側刀旁|侧刀旁[ce4 dao1 pang2]
qiè- definitely
- absolutely (not)
- (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.
- Tut!
- to grind
- close to
- eager
- to correspond to
- see also 反切[fan3 qie4]
yuè- to amputate one or both feet (punishment in imperial China)
- see also 五刑[wu3 xing2]
fāng- radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22), occurring in , , etc
- see also 三框欄|三框栏[san1 kuang4 lan2]
- see also 區字框|区字框[qu1 zi4 kuang4]
- "cover" or "conceal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 23)
- see also [fang1]
- see 卟啉, porphyrin
- see 卟吩, porphin
- see 可汗[ke4 han2]
- see 嗊吥|唝吥[Gong4 bu4]
yǐn- see 吲哚, indole C8H7N
- see 呋喃 furan or 呋喃西林 furacilinum
yōu- Oh! (exclamation of dismay etc)
- see 呦呦[you1 you1]
zhà- see 叱咤[chi4 zha4]
liē- see 咧咧[lie1 lie1]
- see [zan2]
kuāng- (onom.) clang
- see 哐啷, clatter
duǒ- see 吲哚, indole C8H7N
chī- sound of giggling
- see 呼哧[hu1 chi1]
láo- see 囒哰[lan2 lao2], confused talk
- phonetic bo
- used in onomatopoeia
- see 呼呼哱[hu1 hu1 bo1], hoopoe bird
zhā- see 嘲哳, (onom.) twitter
- twittering sound
bài- to chant
- see 梵唄|梵呗[fan4 bai4]
zào- see 羅唣|罗唣, to create a disturbance
- to make trouble
- to harass
lín- see 卟啉, porphyrin
zhě- particle used for interjection (Cantonese)
- see also 啫哩[zhe3 li1]
lāng- (onom.) bang
- clank
- see 哐啷, clatter
ō- I see
- oh
chā- see 喳喳[cha1 cha5]
kuí- see 喹啉[kui2 lin2]
- see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
suǒ- see 嗩吶|唢呐[suo3 na4]
piào- purine
- see 嘌呤[piao4 ling4]
- thing
- matter (Cantonese)
- see also 乜嘢[mie1 ye3]
zhāo- see 嘲哳, (onom.) twitter
- twittering sound
chǎn- see 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3 chan3]
- see 嘽緩|啴缓[chan3 huan3]
tān- see 嘽嘽|啴啴[tan1 tan1]
huì- see 噦噦|哕哕[hui4 hui4]
- child's buttocks (esp. Cantonese)
- see 噼啪|劈啪, (onom.) for crack, slap, clap, clatter etc
chā- (onom.) snap
- pop
- see 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]
luō- see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
- see 囉囌|啰苏[luo1 su1]
líng- see 囹圄[ling2 yu3]
- see 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4]
lüè- see 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4]
- see 垃圾[la1 ji1]
- Taiwan pr. [se4]
tuó- see 坨子[tuo2 zi5]
- see 垃圾[la1 ji1]
- Taiwan pr. [le4]
da- see 圪垯, lump
- pimple
- mound
běng- see 塕埲[weng3 beng3]
- classifier for walls (Cantonese)
- see 壓根兒|压根儿[ya4 gen1 r5]
zhǐ- "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters
- see also 冬字頭|冬字头[dong1 zi4 tou2]
suī- see [zhi3]
dài- see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
kuā- see 夸克[kua1 ke4]
chà- beautiful
- see 奼紫嫣紅|姹紫嫣红[cha4 zi3 yan1 hong2]
shuò- matchmaker
- see 媒妁[mei2 shuo4]
zhóu- see 妯娌[zhou2 li5]
- see 妯娌[zhou2 li5]
suō- (phonetic)
- see 婆娑[po2 suo1]
āi- see 娭姐[ai1 jie3], father's mother
- granny (dialect)
- respectful form of address for older lady
Láng- see 嫏嬛[Lang2 huan2]
xuān- see 便嬛[pian2 xuan1]
nāo- (dialect) no good
- (contraction of and )
- see 孬種|孬种[nao1 zhong3]
càn- see 孱頭|孱头[can4 tou5]
mián- "roof" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 40), occurring in , , etc
- see also 寶蓋|宝盖[bao3 gai4]
- see 尷尬|尴尬[gan1 ga4]
尿尿suī- see 尿[niao4]
bīng- see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]
- see 贔屭|赑屃[Bi4 xi4]
- mountain without vegetation
- the residence of one's mother
- see also [hu4]
- see 岢嵐|岢岚[Ke3 lan2]
- mountain covered with vegetation
- the residence of one's father
- see also [qi3]
kàn- see 赤崁樓|赤崁楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2]
wǎi- to sprain (one's ankle)
- see 崴子[wai3 zi5]
méi- see 峨嵋山[E2 mei2 Shan1]
kǎn- see 赤嵌樓|赤嵌楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2]
- see 岌嶪[ji2 ye4]
yíng- see 嶺巆|岭巆[ling3 ying2] and 崢巆|峥巆[zheng1 ying2], lofty (of mountain)
- deep (of valley)
巿巿- see [fu2]
píng- flat
- level
- equal
- to tie (make the same score)
- to draw (score)
- calm
- peaceful
- see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]
- see 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5]
huò- see 武士彠|武士彟[Wu3 Shi4 huo4]
- old variant of [huo4]
chì- step with the left foot (Kangxi radical 60)
- see also 彳亍[chi4 chu4]
huái- see 徘徊[pai2 huai2], to dither
- to hesitate
- to pace back and forth
- irresolute
lái- see 招徠|招徕[zhao1 lai2]
zhǐ- 4th note in pentatonic scale 五音[wu3 yin1], roughly sol
- see also |[zheng1]
qiāo- see 悄悄[qiao1 qiao1]
ě- see 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]
náo- see 懊憹[ao4 nao2]
yān- see 懨懨|恹恹[yan1 yan1]
- see 拮据[jie2 ju1]
zhēng- see 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1 zha2]
huá- see 搳拳[hua2 quan2]
qiāng- see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]
lán- see 斑斕|斑斓[ban1 lan2]
- see 旮旯[ga1 la2]
- see 旮旯[ga1 la2]
wěng- see 暡曚[weng3 meng2]
yuē- see 曱甴[yue1 zha2]
huì- can
- to be possible
- to be able to
- will
- to be likely to
- to be sure to
- to assemble
- to meet
- to gather
- to see
- union
- group
- association
- CL:|[ge4]
- a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
- see 枇杷[pi2 pa5]
- see 枇杷[pi2 pa5]
zhōng- see 柊葉|柊叶[zhong1 ye4]
zhā- see 山查[shan1 zha1]
zhān- see 栴檀[zhan1 tan2]
guāng- see 桄榔[guang1 lang2]
lái- see 棶木|梾木[lai2 mu4]
liáng- see 椋鳥|椋鸟[liang2 niao3]
zhī- see 檳椥|槟椥[Bin1 zhi1]
pèng- see 椪柑[peng4 gan1]
léng- variant of |, corner
- square beam
- edge
- arris (curve formed by two surfaces meeting at an edge)
- see 楞迦 Sri Lanka
wēn- see 榲桲|榅桲[wen1 po5]
zuì- see 槜李[zui4 li3]
- see 槜李[Zui4 li3]
lián- see 槤枷|梿枷[lian2 jia1], flail
- to thresh (using a flail)
- Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)
- see also 槲樹|槲树[hu2 shu4]
kuí- see 櫆師|櫆师[kui2 shi1] Polaris, the north star
luó- see 桫欏|桫椤[suo1 luo2]
Ǎi- see historical character Lao Ai 嫪毐
- by extension, person of reprehensible morals
- immoral
- adulterer
zhī- see 月氏[Yue4 zhi1] and 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1]
máng- see 流氓[liu2 mang2]
shuǐ- "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85), occurring in , , etc
- see also 三點水|三点水[san1 dian3 shui3]
hán- see 可汗[ke4 han2], 汗國|汗国[han2 guo2]
jǐng- old variant of [jing3]
- see 汫濙[jing3 ying2]
chēn- see 黑沉沉[hei1 chen1 chen1]
ěr- see 洱海[Er3 hai3]
suī- see 浽溦[sui1 wei1]
chǎn- name of a river in Shaanxi province
- see 滻河|浐河[Chan3 He2]
yàng- to overflow
- to ripple
- used in place names
- see 漾濞[Yang4 bi4]
- used in place names
- see 漾濞[Yang4 bi4]
kòng- see 焢肉[kong4 rou4]
kòng- see 爌肉[kong4 rou4]
- see 牟平[Mu4 ping2]
māng- bull
- see 牤牛[mang1 niu2]
- see 犂靬[Li2 jian1]
- variant of [li2]
piān- see 犏牛[pian1 niu2]
kuí- see 犪牛[kui2 niu2]
shē- see 猞猁[she1 li4]
piàn- see 猵狙[pian4 ju1]
cuī- see 猥獕, despicable
- see 獙獙[bi4 bi4]
xiǎn- a kind of dog with a long snout
- see 獫狁|猃狁[Xian3 yun3]
xiè- see 獬豸[xie4 zhi4]
Xūn- see 獯鬻[Xun1 yu4]
méi- (fine jade)
- see 玫瑰[mei2 gui1]
- used in place names
- see 瑯琊山|琅玡山[Lang2 ya2 shan1]
zuó- see 琢磨[zuo2 mo5]
- see 琵琶, pipa lute
- see 琵琶, pipa lute
Láng- see 瑯琊山|琅玡山[Lang2 ya2 shan1]
- a kind of vase (old)
- see 安瓿[an1 bu4]
zhá- see 曱甴[yue1 zha2]
da- see 疙疸[ge1 da5]
chì- see 瘛瘲|瘛疭[chi4 zong4]
yào- see 瘧子|疟子[yao4 zi5]
zòng- see 瘛瘲|瘛疭[chi4 zong4]
huáng- see 癀病[huang2 bing4]
- see 癔病[yi4 bing4]
- see 瘰癧|瘰疬[luo3 li4]
- see 的士[di1 shi4]
- see 開皌|开皌[kai1 mo4]
é- see 皒皒[e2 e2]
kàn- to see
- to look at
- to read
- to watch
- to visit
- to call on
- to consider
- to regard as
- to look after
- to treat (an illness)
- to depend on
- to feel (that)
- (after verb) to give it a try
- Watch out! (for a danger)
- to look down upon (classical)
- to see
- to look at (Cantonese)
- Mandarin equivalent: [kan4]
- to observe
- to see
wěng- see 瞈矇|瞈蒙[weng3 meng2]
qiáo- to look at
- to see
- to see (a doctor)
- to visit
lóng- see 矇矓|蒙眬[meng2 long2]
- see 矻矻[ku1 ku1]
- Taiwan pr. [ku4]
- see 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]
zhū- cinnabar
- see 硃砂|朱砂[zhu1 sha1]
náo- see 硇砂[nao2 sha1]
- see 石硪[shi2 wo4]
liù- see 碌碡[liu4 zhou5]
bàng- see 磅秤 scale
- platform balance
- (loanword) pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams)
wéi- see 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2]
qiáo- used in place names
- see 礄頭|硚头[Qiao2 tou2]
lèi- see 礌石[lei4 shi2]
- surname Ta
- see also [ta1]
- see 秘魯|秘鲁[Bi4 lu3]
shào- see 稍息[shao4 xi1]
biǎn- see 稨豆[bian3 dou4]
háng- see 筕篖[hang2 tang2]
jiē- see 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3]
yún- see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]
táng- see 筕篖[hang2 tang2]
- see 簸箕[bo4 ji1]
dāng- see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]
- see 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1 yu4]
shǔ- see 麻糬[ma2 shu3]
- see 絛綸|绦纶[di2 lun2]
cuì- five-color silk
- see 綷縩[cui4 cai4]
cài- see 綷縩[cui4 cai4]
dīng- see 耵聹|耵聍, earwax
- cerumen
níng- see 耵聹|耵聍, earwax
- cerumen
- see 膃肭|腽肭, fur seal or its blubber
- see 胬肉[nu3 rou4]
- see 脈脈|脉脉[mo4 mo4]
dòng- see 蛋白腖|蛋白胨[dan4 bai2 dong4]
nǎn- brisket
- belly beef
- spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs
- see 牛腩[niu2 nan3] esp. Cantonese
- erroneously translated as sirloin
chuài- see 囊膪[nang1 chuai4]
jiāo- see 三膲[san1 jiao1], triple foci, the three visceral cavities (TCM)
yōng- see 臃腫|臃肿[yong1 zhong3]
- see 腌臢|腌臜[a1 za1]
pán- see 般樂|般乐[pan2 le4]
huáng- fast ship
- see 艅艎, large warship
chōng- see 艨艟, ancient leatherclad warship
méng- ancient warship
- see 艨艟, ancient leatherclad warship
- see 蘿艻|萝艻[luo2 le4]
jiāo- see 秦艽[qin2 jiao1]
nǎi- see 芋艿[yu4 nai3]
Què- see 芍陂[Que4 pi2]
xiōng- see 川芎[chuan1 xiong1]
- see 茳芏[jiang1 du4]
- see 芙蓉[fu2 rong2], lotus
gài- see 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2]
- see 黃芪|黄芪[huang2 qi2]
fèi- see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4]
sháo- see 紅苕|红苕[hong2 shao2]
zhǎ- see 苲草[zha3 cao3]
- see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]
suō- see 莎草[suo1 cao3]
- see 摩莎[mo2 suo1]
yóu- see 莜麥|莜麦[you2 mai4]
chāng- see 菖蒲[chang1 pu2]
- see 菥蓂[xi1 mi4]
táo- see 葡萄[pu2 tao5]
dìng- see 茄萣[Qie2 ding4]
biān- see 萹蓄[bian1 xu4]
- Taiwan pr. [pian1]
biǎn- see 萹豆[bian3 dou4]
lào- see 落枕[lao4 zhen3] and 落炕[lao4 kang4]
xiāng- see 青葙, feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea)
- see 葡萄[pu2 tao5]
shí- see 蒔籮|莳箩[shi2 luo2]
róng- see 芙蓉[fu2 rong2], lotus
- food that has been minced, shredded, or ground into a paste, suitable for stuffing or making a sauce
bo- see 蘿蔔|萝卜[luo2 bo5]
kòu- see 肉豆蔻 nutmeg, 豆蔻 cardamon
- see 吐蕃[Tu3 bo1]
qiáo- see 蕉萃[qiao2 cui4]
mǎi- see 苣蕒菜|苣荬菜[ju4 mai3 cai4]
yún- see 蕓薹|芸薹[yun2 tai2]
- variant of [ru2]
- see 蕠藘[ru2 lu:2]
- see 薯蕷|薯蓣[shu3 yu4]
- see 薄荷[bo4 he5]
- see 薺菜|荠菜[ji4 cai4]
biǎn- see 藊豆[bian3 dou4]
qiè- see 藒車|藒车[qie4 che1]
qióng- see 芎藭[qiong2 xiong1]
- see 虉草[yi4 cao3]
dīng- see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2]
- see 蚍蜉[pi2 fu2]
yóu- see 蚰蜒[you2 yan5]
- see 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1]
zhū- see 蜘蛛[zhi1 zhu1]
jiāo- a legendary dragon with the ability to control rain and floods
- see also 蛟龍|蛟龙[jiao1 long2]
xíng- see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2]
jiá- see 蛺蝶|蛱蝶[jia2 die2]
jié- see 石蜐[shi2 jie2]
tíng- see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]
zhī- see 蜘蛛[zhi1 zhu1]
- see 蜥蜴[xi1 yi4], lizard
- shorty (contemptuous term for short person)
- chameleon
- Eumeces latiscutatus
- see 蜥蜴[xi1 yi4], lizard
- chameleon
- Eumeces latiscutatus
qīng- see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]
liǎng- see 蝄蜽[wang3 liang3]
zhuō- see 蝃蝥[zhuo1 mao2]
wǎng- see 蝄蜽[wang3 liang3]
mào- see 蝳蝐[dai4 mao4]
wēi- see 蛜蝛[yi1 wei1]
- see 蝦蟆|虾蟆[ha2 ma5]
kuí- see 蝰蛇[kui2 she2]
- see 蝲蛄, fresh-water crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
dài- see 蝳蝐[dai4 mao4]
- snail
- Taiwan pr. [gua1]
- see 蝸牛|蜗牛[wo1 niu2]
wēng- see 蠮螉[ye1 weng1]
lóu- see 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1]
guō- small green cicada or frog (meaning unclear, possibly onom.)
- see 蟈蟈|蝈蝈 long-horned grasshopper
liáo- see 蟭蟟[jiao1 liao2]
shàn- see 蛐蟮[qu1 shan5]
tòng- see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4]
- see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4]
- see T[T xu1]
- inner shirt
- to sew onto clothing
- see also [Ta4]
- see 襏襫|袯襫[bo2 shi4]
liǎn- see 襝衽|裣衽[lian3 ren4]
shì- see 襏襫|袯襫[bo2 shi4]
jiàn- to see
- to meet
- to appear (to be sth)
- to interview
yán- "speech" or "words" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149)
- see also 言字旁[yan2 zi4 pang2]
mèi- see 謎兒|谜儿[mei4 r5], riddle
xiū- see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally was the female)
- see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally was the male)
- see 贔屭|赑屃[Bi4 xi4]
jiū- see 赳赳[jiu1 jiu1]
趿趿- see 趿拉[ta1 la5]
zhī- see 踶跂[di4 zhi1]
- see 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5]
qiàng- see 踉蹡[liang4 qiang4]
zāo- see 蹧蹋[zao1 ta4]
juě- see 尥蹶子[liao4 jue3 zi5]
lìn- to trample down
- to oppress
- to overrun
- see 蹂躪|蹂躏[rou2 lin4]
zhòu- see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4]
- see 轗軻|轗轲[kan3 ke3]
liáng- see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2]
kuò- see 李适[Li3 Kuo4]
- careless, negligent, slipshod
- see 邋遢[la1 ta5]
- see 邋遢[la1 ta5]
- to grab
- see 邷麼兒|邷么儿[wa3 mo2 r5]
Sōu- see 鄋瞞|鄋瞒[Sou1 man2]
- see 醱酵|酦酵[fa1 jiao4]
- see 鈷鉧|钴鉧[gu3 mu3]
tóng- copper (chemistry)
- see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]
- CL:|[kuai4]
zuò- see |[zao2]
yān- see 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1]
bǎn- see 老闆|老板, boss
yǔn- to fall
- meteor
- to perish
- see also |[yun3]
dài- see 靉靆|叆叇[ai4 dai4]
jiān- see 犂靬[Li2 jian1], Han dynasty name for countries in far West
- see 顳顬|颞颥, temple (the sides of human head)
niè- bones of the temple (on the human head)
- see 顳顬|颞颥, temple
- see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]
le- see 餄餎|饸饹[he2 le5]
- see 餔子|哺子[bu4 zi5]
tiè- gluttonous
- see 饕餮[tao1 tie4], zoomorphic mask motif
sǎn- see 饊子|馓子[san3 zi5]
tāo- gluttonous
- see 饕餮[tao1 tie4], zoomorphic mask motif
- see 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1]
shuāng- see 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1]
láo- see 髝髞[lao2 sao4]
- black
- see 黑魖魖[hei1 xu1 xu1]
tuō- see 土魠魚|土魠鱼[tu3 tuo1 yu2]
- see 鮁魚|鲅鱼[ba4 yu2]
- see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp
nián- sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus)
- oriental catfish
- see also |[nian2]
hòu- see |[hu4]
ān- see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]
jiāo- see 鮫魚|鲛鱼[jiao1 yu2]
qīng- see 鯖魚|鲭鱼[qing1 yu2]
chāng- see 鯧魚|鲳鱼[chang1 yu2]
nián- sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus)
- oriental catfish
- see also |[nian2]
chūn- see 鰆魚|䲠鱼[chun1 yu2]
páng- see 鰟鮍|鳑鲏, small carp
- see 白鱀豚|白暨豚[bai2 ji4 tun2]
yōng- see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2]
kāng- see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]
kuài- see 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]
- variant of |[kuai4]
shàn- see |[shan4]
- see 鵖鴔[bi1 fu2]
ér- see 鴯鶓|鸸鹋[er2 miao2]
- see 鵖鴔[bi1 fu2]
miáo- see 鴯鶓|鸸鹋[er2 miao2]
qiū- see 鶖鷺|鹙鹭[qiu1 lu4]
liú- see 鵂鶹|鸺鹠[xiu1 liu2]
jiān- mythical bird with one eye and one wing
- see also 鰈鶼|鲽鹣[die2 jian1]
- see 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1]
- see 鷫鸘|鹔鹴[su4 shuang1]
鷿- see 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1]
- see 鸂鶒|㶉鶒[xi1 chi4]
shuāng- see 鷫鸘|鹔鹴[su4 shuang1]
- mythical male unicorn
- see 麒麟
lín- female unicorn
- see 麒麟
tiān- see 黇鹿[tian1 lu4]
- see 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1]
yòu- see 鼬鼠[you4 shu3]
jīng- see 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1]
- see 齌怒[ji4 nu4]
xx- component in Chinese characters, occurring in , , etc
- see also 青字頭|青字头[qing1 zi4 tou2]
KKKshū- to cram (Taiwan, from Taiwanese khè su 齧書, lit. to gnaw a book)
- to study
- see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1]
UUUpán- USB flash drive
- see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
- social group
- subculture
- family
- clan
- see also [zu2]
dīng- see 丁克[ding1 ke4]
CCsānC- see 3C[san1 C]
Sānlüè- see 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lu:e4]
sānnóng- see 三農問題|三农问题[san1 nong2 wen4 ti2]
shàngfáng- see 正房[zheng4 fang2]
shàng- imperial edict
- see also 聖諭|圣谕[sheng4 yu4]
jiàn- not to see
- not to meet
- to have disappeared
- to be missing
dānbèi- see 天貝|天贝[tian1 bei4]
fāng- second party (law)
- see also 甲方[jia3 fang1]
luàndào- see 亂說|乱说[luan4 shuo1]
Èrláng- see 二郎神[Er4 lang2 shen2]
èrhuáng- one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera
- Peking opera
- also written 二簧[er4 huang2]
- see also 西皮[xi1 pi2]
máo- see 五毛黨|五毛党[wu3 mao2 dang3]
Ōu- see 歐亞|欧亚[Ou1 Ya4]
dài- see 急待[ji2 dai4]
rén- merperson
- merman
- mermaid
- see 美人魚|美人鱼[mei3 ren2 yu2]
Rénhuà- see 仁化縣|仁化县[Ren2 hua4 Xian4]
fènliang- see 分量[fen4 liang5]
màn- see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
tiān- the hottest period of the year
- see 三伏天[san1 fu2 tian1]
shēnyán- see 延伸[yan2 shen1]
děng- you all (archaic)
- see also 你們|你们[ni3 men5]
láikàn- to come and see
- to see a topic from a certain point of view
便便biàn- see 便秘[bian4 mi4]
éěr- see 俄而[e2 er2]
访xìnfǎng- complaint letter
- petition letter
- see also 上訪|上访[shang4 fang3]
jiè- see 通假字[tong1 jia3 zi4]
zuòzhǔ- see 作主[zuo4 zhu3]
XXshǎX- see 傻叉[sha3 cha1]
jìnkuài- see 盡快|尽快[jin3 kuai4]
yōupán- USB flash drive
- see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
yuán- Lantern Festival
- night of 15th of first lunar month
- see also 元宵[yuan2 xiao1]
yuánxiāo- Lantern Festival
- night of the 15th of the first lunar month
- see also 元夜[yuan2 ye4]
- sticky rice dumplings
chōng- see 抵充[di3 chong1]
liǎngqīn- see 雙親|双亲[shuang1 qin1]
fēng- see 八風穴|八风穴[ba1 feng1 xue2]
zàijiàn- goodbye
- see you again later
miǎnguān- see [mian3]
Dōngjié- see 冬至[Dong1 zhi4]
Língzhì- Lexus
- see also 雷克薩斯|雷克萨斯[Lei2 ke4 sa4 si1]
hánbàn- see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]
qièyùn- see 反切[fan3 qie4]
bié- see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4]
guàbāo- see 刈包[gua4 bao1]
kān- see 看破[kan4 po4]
nánzhú- see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2]
áo- see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2 ao2 zhen4]
cānkàn- see also
- please refer to
- confer (cf.)
- to consult for reference
cānjiàn- to refer to
- see also
- confer (cf.)
- to pay respect to
fǎnshì- trans- (isomer) (chemistry)
- see also 順式|顺式[shun4 shi4]
lái- since ancient times
- it has ever been the case that
- see also 自古以來|自古以来[zi4 gu3 yi3 lai2]
lìngjiàn- cf
- see also
bu- see 可不是[ke3 bu5 shi4]
Wàng- see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
zhōuzhì- see 周到[zhou1 dao4]
háo- to roar (of animals)
- to wail
- to cry out in distress
- see also 呼號|呼号[hu1 hao2]
men- see 咱們|咱们[zan2 men5]
sāi- see 哇塞[wa1 sai1]
- hash (computing)
- see also 散列[san3 lie4]
- Harper (name)
- see also 斯蒂芬哈珀[Si1 di4 fen1 · Ha1 po4]
Shāngchéng- see 商城縣|商城县[Shang1 cheng2 xian4]
fēitīng- see 咖啡廳|咖啡厅[ka1 fei1 ting1]
- Heineken (Dutch brewing company)
- see also 海尼根[Hai3 ni2 gen1]
chī- see 嗤之以鼻[chi1 zhi1 yi3 bi2]
- see 劈啪[pi1 pa1]
- see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
luōsuō- see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
luō- see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
hài- "the four pests", i.e. rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows
- see also 打麻雀運動|打麻雀运动[Da3 Ma2 que4 Yun4 dong4]
wéi- the four social bonds: propriety, justice, integrity and honor
- see 禮義廉恥|礼义廉耻[li3 yi4 lian2 chi3]
- the four directions
- the four limbs (Chinese medicine)
- four-dimensional
huíjiàn- See you later!
xiāng- see 香附[xiang1 fu4]
zuò- see 後坐力|后坐力[hou4 zuo4 li4]
zuòyuè- see 坐月子[zuo4 yue4 zi5]
chǎngr- see 場子|场子[chang3 zi5]
Xià- see 大禹[Da4 Yu3]
wài- see 外地[wai4 di4]
zǎo- see 紅棗|红枣[hong2 zao3]
qiú- sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball that use large balls
- see also 小球[xiao3 qiu2]
tiānwáng- emperor
- god
- Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title
- see also 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4 quan2]
Héngé- see 嫦娥[Chang2 e2]
Niáng- Nyonya
- see 峇峇娘惹[Ba1 ba1 Niang2 re3]
de- see 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5]
jīng- see 紫荊|紫荆[zi3 jing1]
kǒngdōng- condom (loanword)
- see 安全套[an1 quan2 tao4]
zháijīng- one of the earliest classics about Fengshui
- see also 黃帝宅經|黄帝宅经[huang2 di4 zhai2 jing1]
hóngliàng- see 洪亮[hong2 liang4]
shísuì- method of calculating a person's age in years from birth
- see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]
- see also 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]
shěn- see 審核|审核[shen3 he2]
bǎogài- name of "roof" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 40)
- see also [mian2]
cùnguǐ- see 寸陰|寸阴[cun4 yin1]
fēngzhāi- fast (in several religions)
- Ramadan (Islam)
- see also 齋月|斋月[Zhai1 yue4]
xiǎoqiú- sports such as ping-pong and badminton that use small balls
- see also 大球[da4 qiu2]
xiǎocài- appetizer
- small side dish
- easy job
- piece of cake
- see also 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2]
xiǎodòu- see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4]
shǎojiàn- rare
- not familiar (to the speaker)
- sth rarely experience
- hard to see
- see 居里[ju1 li3]
Kūn- see 崑曲|昆曲[Kun1 qu3]
Kūnqiāng- see 崑曲|昆曲[Kun1 qu3]
chāishi- errand
- assignment
- job
- commission
- CL:[jian4]
- see also 差使[chai1 shi5]
使使chāishi- official post
- billet
- commission
- CL:[jian4]
- see also 差事[chai1 shi5]
gàn- see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2]
gàn- see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2]
zuòbiāo- see 坐標|坐标[zuo4 biao1]
zuì- to commit an offense
- to violate the law
- excuse me! (formal)
- see also 得罪[de2 zui5]
zui- to offend somebody
- to make a faux pas
- a faux pas
- see also 得罪[de2 zui4]
xīnkǒng- see 心竅|心窍[xin1 qiao4]
wàng- see 王八[wang2 ba1]
qièxiū- see 羞怯[xiu1 qie4]
kǒngtóng- see 恐同症[kong3 tong2 zheng4]
yōuzāi- see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]
Ài- see 阿伊努[A1 yi1 nu3]
ài- AIDS (loanword)
- see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4]
zēngè- to hate evil
- see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 wu4]
zēng- to loathe
- to hate
- to abhor
- see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]
fènqīng- angry youth
- positive term used to describe young Chinese with extreme nationalistic tendencies
- see also 糞青|粪青[fen4 qing1]
yìngbào- see 報應|报应[bao4 ying4]
liànjiù- see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4]
kào- bosh!
- crap!
- see also 哇靠[wa1 kao4]
fángxíng- see 戶型|户型[hu4 xing2]
chūn- see 立春[Li4 chun1]
tuō- see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]
pànmìng- see 拼命[pin1 ming4]
niē- see 捏脊[nie1 ji3]
tànhuā- candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination
- see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
sōukuò- see 搜刮[sou1 gua1]
ěr- Moore or Moor (name)
- see also 摩爾人|摩尔人[Mo2 er3 ren2]
shuò- see 撲朔迷離|扑朔迷离[pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2]
tāndǎng- see 攤檔|摊档[tan1 dang4]
jiǎo- see 搞基[gao3 ji1]
Jiàotíng- the Papacy
- the Vatican
- the Church government
- Holy See
jiàozhǎng- dean
- mullah
- imam (Islam)
- see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
sǎnguāng- astigmatism
- see also 散光[san4 guang1]
sànguāng- to diffuse light
- see also 散光[san3 guang1]
Xīnzhēng- see 正月[Zheng1 yue4]
duànxiù- homosexual
- see 斷袖之癖|断袖之癖[duan4 xiu4 zhi1 pi3]
wàng- busy season
- peak period
- see also 淡季[dan4 ji4]
míngzi- see 松明[song1 ming2]
xīng- see 恆星系|恒星系[heng2 xing1 xi4]
chūntiē- see 春聯|春联[chun1 lian2]
shàiyǒu- see 曬客|晒客[shai4 ke4]
MànDǎo- Isle of Man, British Isles (Taiwanese usage)
- see also 馬恩島|马恩岛[Ma3 en1 Dao3]
lán- Mulan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang
- see 花木蘭|花木兰[Hua1 Mu4 lan2]
cūnxué- see 村塾[cun1 shu2]
shùxiū- see 束脩[shu4 xiu1]
bēijiǎo- see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4]
yǎoyǎo- deep and somber
- see also 窈窈[yao3 yao3]
yǎorán- quiet, silent, and lonely
- see also 窅然[yao3 ran2]
zuò- Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)
- see also 槲樹|槲树[hu2 shu4]
guìyuán- see 龍眼|龙眼[long2 yan3]
tǒngkǒu- bunghole
- see 桶孔[tong3 kong3]
Méipài- the Mei Lanfang School
- see 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1]
YángFēi- see 楊貴妃|杨贵妃[Yang2 Gui4 fei1]
nánzhú- see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2]
bǎngyǎn- candidate who came second in the Han-lin examination
- see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
r- see 樂子|乐子[le4 zi5]
yàngr- see 樣子|样子[yang4 zi5]
hèngmán- see 蠻橫|蛮横[man2 heng4]
- see 唏噓|唏嘘[xi1 xu1]
zhèngbǎn- genuine
- legal
- see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3]
yǔnluò- see 隕落|陨落[yun3 luo4]
Qiàopái- see 殼牌公司|壳牌公司[Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1]
shuǐ- see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]
Tuónǎng- see 峴港|岘港[Xian4 gang3]
zhǎo- meerkat
- see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
zhǎoli- see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
rén- legal person
- corporation
- see also 自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2]
- see 法衣[fa3 yi1]
tuī- see 胸推[xiong1 tui1]
Tài- see 泰和縣|泰和县[Tai4 he2 xian4]
Yáng- see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yang2 ji1 dui4]
- New York Yankees (US baseball team)
Yáng- see 洋浦經濟開發區|洋浦经济开发区[Yang2 pu3 jing1 ji4 kai1 fa1 qu1]
yángxiàng- social gaffe or blunder
- faux pas
- see 出洋相[chu1 yang2 xiang4]
yángguǐ- see 洋鬼子[yang2 gui3 zi5]
Hóngmén- see 天地會|天地会[Tian1 di4 hui4]
huó- see 活像[huo2 xiang4]
piāo- see 漂浮[piao1 fu2]
tāng- see 湯浴|汤浴[tang1 yu4]
hǎikǒu- estuary
- coastal inlet
- river mouth
- seaport
- see also 誇海口|夸海口[kua1 hai3 kou3]
dàn- off season
- slow business season
- see also 旺季[wang4 ji4]
màntiān- lit. to fill the whole sky
- everywhere
- as far as the eye can see
màn- see 謾罵|谩骂[man4 ma4]
PānĀn- see 潘岳[Pan1 Yue4]
làn- indiscriminately included in company (without any qualification)
- see 濫竽充數|滥竽充数[lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4]
liúhǎi- see 劉海|刘海[liu2 hai3]
huǒ- see 打火機|打火机[da3 huo3 ji1]
bǐngrán- to be manifest for everyone to see
- see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]
xuān- see 烜赫[xuan3 he4]
- Rehe, Qing dynasty province abolished in 1955 and divided among Hebei, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia
- refers to the Qing imperial resort at Chengde
- see also 避暑山莊|避暑山庄[bi4 shu3 shan1 zhuang1] (history)
dēngpào- light bulb
- see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 deng1 pao4]
- third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple's date (slang)
- CL:|[ge4]
dēngxīn- see 燈心|灯心[deng1 xin1]
bàohuā- see 爆玉米花[bao4 yu4 mi3 hua1]
móu- to gain profit (by underhand means)
- to exploit
- see also 謀取|谋取[mou2 qu3]
- to look for
- to seek
- to choose
- color of object
- color of fleece (of domestic animal)
- to see
- to notice
- all kinds of things
- odds and ends
zhuàngyuán- top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system)
- see 榜眼[bang3 yan3] and 探花[tan4 hua1]
- top scorer in college entrance examination 高考[gao1 kao3]
guì- see 肉桂[rou4 gui4]
qiú- see 球磨機|球磨机[qiu2 mo2 ji1]
jiǎfāng- first party (law)
- see also 乙方[yi3 fang1]
liúhǎi- see 劉海|刘海[liu2 hai3]
- see 發跡|发迹[fa1 ji4]
báimáo- white hair (of animals)
- see also 白髮|白发[bai2 fa4]
báidào- lunar orbit
- legitimate
- righteous
- see also 黑道[hei1 dao4]
bǎizǒng- see 把總|把总[ba3 zong3]
zhòuzhé- see 皺折|皱折[zhou4 zhe2]
dàobǎn- pirated
- illegal
- see also 正版[zheng4 ban3]
kànchū- to make out
- to see
穿穿kànchuān- see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)
kànjiàn- to see
- to catch sight of
- see 眥睚|眦睚[zi4 ya2]
chǒujiàn- to see
qiáojiàn- to see
shíshī- see 石獅子|石狮子[shi2 shi1 zi5]
biānjiǔ- see 砭灸術|砭灸术[bian1 jiu3 shu4]
suìniàn- see 碎碎念[sui4 sui4 nian4]
bēijiào- see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4]
liàn- see 磨練|磨练[mo2 lian4]
Xiāndào- Zoroastrianism
- see also 祆教[Xian1 jiao4]
Chánchéng- see 禪城區|禅城区[Chan2 cheng2 qu1]
shòu- see 私賣|私卖[si1 mai4]
- see 私密[si1 mi4]
zhǎixiá- see 狹窄|狭窄[xia2 zhai3]
yǎorán- far and deep
- remote and obscure
- see also 杳然[yao3 ran2]
yǎoyǎo- obscure
- dusky
- far and deep
- profound
- see also 杳杳[yao3 yao3]
Tóngjūn- Scout (youth organization)
- see also 童子軍|童子军[Tong2 zi3 jun1]
Duān- see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2]
zhújiāo- see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]
xiào- see 笑窩|笑窝[xiao4 wo1]
jiǎobēi- see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4]
zhuàn- see 篆書|篆书[zhuan4 shu1]
fènqīng- shit youth
- used satirically against 憤青|愤青 which shares the same sound
- see also 憤青|愤青[fen4 qing1]
hóngtóng- copper (chemistry)
- see also |[tong2]
wénmiàn- see 文面[wen2 mian4]
niǔbàn- see 紐襻|纽襻[niu3 pan4]
zháshi- see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5]
jiéhóu- see 喉結|喉结[hou2 jie2]
zòng- as far as the eye can see
piǎomiǎo- see 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3]
piǎomiǎo- see 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3]
xiùdūn- see 坐墩[zuo4 dun1]
WēngShān- see 昂山[Ang2 Shan1]
lǎogong- (coll.) eunuch
- see also 老公[lao3 gong1]
shèng- imperial edict
- see also 上諭|上谕[shang4 yu4]
dǎo- see 郎格罕氏島|郎格罕氏岛[Lang2 ge2 han3 shi4 dao3]
zhīsuān- see 脂肪酸[zhi1 fang2 suan1]
- fur seal or its blubber
- see 膃肭獸|腽肭兽 and 膃肭臍|腽肭脐
wai- see 膩味|腻味[ni4 wei5]
dǎnr- see 膽子|胆子[dan3 zi5]
zhàng- see 鼓脹|鼓胀[gu3 zhang4]
ài- AIDS (loanword)
- see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4]
qiànshí- Gorgon fruit
- Semen euryales (botany)
- see also 雞頭米|鸡头米[ji1 tou2 mi3]
huāquán- showy boxing of no practical use
- see 花拳繡腿|花拳绣腿
huālián- see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2]
Miáojiā- see 苗族[Miao2 zu2]
gǒuān- see 苟且偷安[gou3 qie3 tou1 an1]
Yīng- see 英德市[Ying1 de2 shi4]
màocái- see 秀才[xiu4 cai5]
cǎo- see 草書|草书[cao3 shu1]
língjìng- see 稜鏡|棱镜[leng2 jing4]
- see 菱花鏡|菱花镜[ling2 hua1 jing4]
làozi- see 蓮花落|莲花落[lian2 hua1 lao4]
làozhàn- see 落棧|落栈[luo4 zhan4]
zhuóhuā- to blossom
- see 著花|着花[zhao2 hua1]
sōuzhèng- see 搜證|搜证[sou1 zheng4]
suàntái- see 蒜薹[suan4 tai2]
wěngcài- see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]
Liánzōng- see 淨土宗|净土宗[Jing4 tu3 zong1]
wèiwéi- see 蔚成[wei4 cheng2]
zàngqīng- see 藏青色[zang4 qing1 se4]
téngcài- see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]
luó- "Lolita", a young, cute girl
- see also 蘿莉控|萝莉控[luo2 li4 kong4]
- lolicon (Japanese loanword)
suì- one's age, according to the traditional Chinese method of reckoning (i.e. the number of Chinese calendar years in which one has lived). In this system, a person's age is one year at birth, and increases by one year at the beginning of the first solar term 立春[Li4 chun1] each year, rather than on one's birthday.
- as opposed to 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]
- see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]
dàn- see 蛋撻|蛋挞[dan4 ta4]
tuìqiào- see 蛻殼|蜕壳[tui4 ke2]
Dànrén- see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]
Dàn- see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]
Dànmín- see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1]
chóngr- see 蟲子|虫子[chong2 zi5]
chóng- caries
- rotten tooth (colloquial)
- see also 齲齒|龋齿[qu3 chi3]
chóngcǎo- see 冬蟲夏草|冬虫夏草[dong1 chong2 xia4 cao3]
xíng- see 行書|行书[xing2 shu1]
péihuí- see 徘徊[pai2 huai2]
西西ān- Xi'an, sub-provincial city and capital of Shaanxi 陝西省|陕西省[Shan3 xi1 Sheng3] in northwest China
- see 西安區|西安区[Xi1 an1 qu1]
西西sōng- see 西松建設|西松建设[Xi1 song1 Jian4 she4]
西西shā- see 西沙群島|西沙群岛[Xi1 sha1 Qun2 dao3]
西西- one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera
- see also 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2]
jiàndào- to see
guānwàng- to wait and see
- to watch from the sidelines
- to look around
- to survey
tuō- see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]
Shuōwén- see 說文解字|说文解字[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4]
jiànzhèng- see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4]
jiànzhèng- see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4]
móu- to seek
- to strive for
- to obtain
- see also 牟取[mou2 qu3]
fēngxiōng- see 隆胸[long2 xiong1]
zhū- see 豬排|猪排[zhu1 pai2]
māo- see 貓膩|猫腻[mao1 ni4]
māoxióng- see 熊貓|熊猫[xiong2 mao1]
māoyòu- see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
huòguì- container (for freight transport)
- see 集裝箱|集装箱[ji2 zhuang1 xiang1]
nián- see 賀歲|贺岁[he4 sui4]
gāikuò- see 概括[gai4 kuo4]
shēzhàng- see 賒賬|赊账[she1 zhang4]
chìdòu- see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4]
suì- method of calculating a person's age in years from birth
- see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]
- see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]
jiàn- it goes to show that
- one can see
qiàngliàng- see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]
qiāobān- see 翹班|翘班[qiao4 ban1]
qīngshuǐ- light water (as opposed to heavy water)
- see light water reactor 輕水反應堆|轻水反应堆
huànliè- see 車裂|车裂[che1 lie4]
Chénxīng- Mercury in traditional Chinese astronomy
- see also 水星[shui3 xing1]
tōngcài- see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]
yùnjiàng- see 運匠|运匠[yun4 jiang4]
guòlai- see 過來|过来[guo4 lai2]
DàoQióng- see 道瓊斯|道琼斯[Dao4 Qiong2 si1], Dow Jones
huí- see 遞歸|递归[di4 gui1]
miǎoyuǎn- see 渺遠|渺远[miao3 yuan3]
biānr- side
- edge
- margin
- border
- boundary
- proximity
- thread (of ideas, plots etc)
- see also |[bian1]
zan- see 那咱[na4 zan5]
xié- see 邪道[xie2 dao4]
jīngān- kumquat
- cumquat
- see also 金橘[jin1 ju2]
tóngchuí- mace (weapon)
- see 銅錘花臉|铜锤花脸[tong2 chui2 hua1 lian3]
guōzi- see |[guo1]
- see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]
- bowl (of a smoking pipe etc)
suǒ- suona, Chinese shawm
- see 嗩吶|唢呐
mén- see 門第|门第[men2 di4]
lánkǎn- see 闌檻|阑槛[lan2 jian4]
guānjīn- see 關金圓|关金圆[guan1 jin1 yuan2]
píng- see 阜平縣|阜平县[Fu4 ping2 xian4]
āxiāng- (coll.) country folk
- rustic
- see also 鄉下人|乡下人[xiang1 xia4 ren2]
- see 隔天[ge2 tian1]
- see 隸書|隶书[li4 shu1]
còu- to put together various bits
- to knock sth together
- hash (computing)
- see also 散列[san3 lie4]
- see 雞排|鸡排[ji1 pai2]
- see 雞腿菇|鸡腿菇[ji1 tui3 gu1]
shà- see 剎那|刹那[cha4 na4]
kàobēi- see 靠北[kao4 bei3]
dǐng- see 丁克[ding1 ke4]
shùnshì- cis- (isomer) (chemistry)
- see also 反式[fan3 shi4]
chànwēi- see 顫巍巍|颤巍巍[chan4 wei1 wei1]
chànshēng- trill (of voice)
- see also 顫聲|颤声[zhan4 sheng1]
zhànshēng- trembling voice
- see also 顫聲|颤声[chan4 sheng1]
fēng- see 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4]
fēngtān- paralysis
- see also 癱瘓|瘫痪[tan1 huan4]
fēng- see 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4]
piāoyáng- see 漂洋[piao1 yang2]
húndùn- wonton
- see also 餛飩|馄饨[hun2 tun5]
xiāngguì- see 桂皮[gui4 pi2], Chinese cinnamon
xiāng- shampoo (loanword)
- see 洗髮皂|洗发皂[xi3 fa4 zao4]
zi- bandit
- brigand
- gambling chip
- see 馬桶|马桶
Téngxùn- see 騰訊控股有限公司|腾讯控股有限公司[Teng2 xun4 Kong4 gu3 You3 xian4 Gong1 si1]
shēng- see 老生[lao3 sheng1]
dòuyǎn- see 鬥雞眼|斗鸡眼[dou4 ji1 yan3]
nàofáng- see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2]
líng- see |[ling2]
chūn- Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius)
- see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]
- see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]
- see 八哥[ba1 ge1]
jiāndié- see 鰈鶼|鲽鹣[die2 jian1]
shǔ- see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4]
- see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4]
Huángliú- see 黃流鎮|黄流镇[Huang2 liu2 zhen4]
hēibèi- see 黑背[hei1 bei4]
hēidào- dark road
- criminal ways
- the underworld
- see also 白道[bai2 dao4]
diǎnxué- to hit a pressure point (martial arts)
- dim mak
- see also 點脈|点脉[dian3 mai4]
diǎnmài- to hit a pressure point (martial arts)
- dim mak
- see also 點穴|点穴[dian3 xue2]
lóng- sole
- right-eyed flounder
- flatfish
- see also |[die2]
Lóngtán- Longtan district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province
- see also 龍潭|龙潭[long2 tan2]
- Longtan or Lungtan township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan
lóngtán- dragon pool
- dragon pond
- see also 龍潭|龙潭[Long2 tan2]
xiāng- see 一壁[yi1 bi4]
tái- see 七台河市[Qi1 tai2 he2 shi4]
sānkuànglán- name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)
- see also [fang1]
sānguī- the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, dharma, sangha)
- see also 三寶|三宝[san1 bao3]
sāndiǎnshuǐ- name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)
- see also [shui3]
xiàgōngfu- see 下工夫[xia4 gong1 fu5]
chénghuà- see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]
shìhuà- see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]
míng- see 無記名|无记名[wu2 ji4 ming2]
chuànménzi- see 串門|串门[chuan4 men2]
jiǔkǒngluó- see 九孔[jiu3 kong3]
- acrylic (loanword)
- see also 壓克力|压克力[ya1 ke4 li4]
Jiètuī- see 介之推[Jie4 Zhi1 tui1]
mèir- email (loanword)
- see 電子郵件|电子邮件[dian4 zi3 you2 jian4]
- see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
kàn- bird's-eye view
- see also 鳥瞰圖|鸟瞰图[niao3 kan4 tu2]
jiǎfēnshù- improper fraction (with numerator ≥ denominator, e.g. seven fifths)
- see also: proper fraction 真分數|真分数[zhen1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]
tíngsǔndiǎn- see 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3]
dāopáng- name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in , , etc
- see also [dao1]
sēngmàobàn- see 二尖瓣[er4 jian1 ban4]
gāozi- see 兔崽子[tu4 zai3 zi5]
liǎngdiǎnshuǐ- name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15)
- see also [bing1]
xiān- see 草海[Cao3 hai3]
dōngtóu- name of "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters
- see also [zhi3]
gōngfuqiú- see 鐵球|铁球[tie3 qiu2]
qiúrén- see 不求人[bu4 qiu2 ren2]
kuàng- name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)
- see also [fang1]
chīdòudòu- see 吃豆人[chi1 dou4 ren2]
zhǎngguā- see 佛手瓜[fo2 shou3 gua1]
tóngkuàng- name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13)
- see also [jiong1]
dāihuìr- see 待會兒|待会儿[dai1 hui4 r5]
mìnggēnzi- see 命根[ming4 gen1]
rén- Hobbit
- see also 霍比特人[Huo4 bi3 te4 ren2]
- Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)
- see also 哥斯拉[Ge1 si1 la1]
Qiáo- Jobs (name)
- see also 史蒂夫喬布斯|史蒂夫乔布斯[Shi3 di4 fu1 · Qiao2 bu4 si1], Steve Jobs
dānfǎn- see 單反相機|单反相机[dan1 fan3 xiang4 ji1]
- (Manchu loanword) knucklebones
- see 羊拐[yang2 guai3]
Ōyùnhuì- see 奧運會|奥运会[Ao4 yun4 hui4]
pēnpēnxiāng- see 香噴噴|香喷喷[xiang1 pen1 pen1]
shèng- the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)
- see also 四諦|四谛[si4 di4] and 苦集滅道|苦集灭道[ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4]
huítóujiàn- See you!
- Bye!
GuóWěi- see 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會|国务院国有资产监督管理委员会[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Guo2 you3 Zi1 chan3 Jian1 du1 Guan3 li3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]
tuō- see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]
líng- see |[ling2]
ěr- see 墨爾本|墨尔本[Mo4 er3 ben3]
- acrylic (loanword)
- see also 亞克力|亚克力[ya4 ke4 li4]
luóbo- see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]
kāizhāi- see 開齋節|开斋节[Kai1 zhai1 jie2]
tiānlǎoye- see 老天爺|老天爷[lao3 tian1 ye2]
TàigōngWàng- see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
liǎn- see 夫妻相[fu1 qi1 xiang4]
Àotáo- Ordovician system (geology)
- see 奧陶紀|奥陶纪
hūnwàiliàn- see 婚外情[hun1 wai4 qing2]
mèngzōngzhú- see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2]
ānnán- see 胖大海[pang4 da4 hai3]
Zǎishēngjié- see 古爾邦節|古尔邦节[Gu3 er3 bang1 jie2]
jiànzhě- see 寄件人[ji4 jian4 ren2]
èrdài- children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s
- see also 窮二代|穷二代[qiong2 er4 dai4]
xiǎozi- see 小姨[xiao3 yi2]
shǐlàng- see 屎蚵螂[shi3 ke1 lang2]
shāndāndān- see 山丹[shan1 dan1]
齿chǐshā- see 巨牙鯊|巨牙鲨[ju4 ya2 sha1]
chàdiǎn- see 差點|差点[cha4 dian3]
rgǒu- see 哈巴狗[ha3 ba1 gou3]
dàifēnshù- mixed fraction
- mixed number (i.e. with an integer part and a fraction part, e.g. four and three quarters)
- see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数[jia3 fen1 shu4] and proper fraction 真分數|真分数[zhen1 fen1 shu4]
píngbǎogài- name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14)
- see also [mi4]
ān- see 餘甘子|余甘子[yu2 gan1 zi3]
zhái- otaku, a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests such as anime, manga, and video games
- see also 宅男[zhai2 nan2]
- see also 宅女[zhai2 nu:3]
xiānsheng- "Mr Democracy", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动[Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4]
- abbr. for 德謨克拉西|德谟克拉西[de2 mo2 ke4 la1 xi1]
- see also 賽先生|赛先生[Sai4 xian1 sheng5]
xīnyīn- see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音[xin1 zang4 za2 yin1]
RěnzhěGuī- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw)
- see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]
Zhìliú- Silurian system (geology)
- see 志留紀|志留纪
guàishǔshǔ- see 怪叔叔[guai4 shu1 shu5]
hènbunéng- see 恨不得[hen4 bu5 de5]
xiǎngdǎoměi- see 想得美[xiang3 de2 mei3]
ēnzōng- see 法相宗[Fa3 xiang4 zong1]
gōugōu- see 拉鉤|拉钩[la1 gou1]
shuì- to doze off
- to fall asleep
- see also 打盹[da3 dun3]
zhàn- see 打野炮[da3 ye3 pao4]
Tuō- Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC
- Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成
- see also 托勒玫[Tuo1 le4 mei2]
Tuōméi- Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成
- see also 托勒密[Tuo1 le4 mi4]
chětiáo- see 拉皮條|拉皮条[la1 pi2 tiao2]
- see 和稀泥[huo4 xi1 ni2]
mǎoqiāng- see 鉚釘槍|铆钉枪[mao3 ding1 qiang1]
Bàihuǒjiào- sun worship
- Zoroastrianism
- see also 祆教[Xian1 jiao4]
wēn- see 那摩溫|那摩温[na4 mo2 wen1]
zhǎngzhōng- see 布袋戲|布袋戏[bu4 dai4 xi4]
tuījìn- see 推進器|推进器[tui1 jin4 qi4]
yuánjiāomèi- prostitute (slang)
- see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]
gǎolóng- to mess something up
- see also 烏龍球|乌龙球[wu1 long2 qiu2]
liàotān- see 撂地[liao4 di4]
cào- see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]
kàn- in my view
- in my opinion
- from what I can see
Xīnjiā- New Confucianism, a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy
- see also 當代新儒家|当代新儒家[Dang1 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1]
xīnniángzi- see 新娘[xin1 niang2]
pángjiàn- see 膕旁腱肌|腘旁腱肌[guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1]
- hamstring (anatomy)
- see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]
míngtiānjiàn- see you tomorrow
hūnshuìbìng- sleeping sickness
- African trypanosomiasis
- see also 非洲錐蟲病|非洲锥虫病[Fei1 zhou1 zhui1 chong2 bing4]
shàiluòtuo- xylitol (Cantonese)
- see also 木糖醇[mu4 tang2 chun2]
Běn- see 本那比市[Ben3 na4 bi3 shi4]
Sōng- see 草海[Cao3 hai3]
gāo- Pei Pa Koa, a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy
- see 京都念慈菴枇杷膏[Jing1 du1 nian4 ci2 an1 pi2 pa2 gao1]
línyìn- see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4]
línyīn- see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4]
línyīndào- see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4]
liǔchéngzhī- orange juice
- CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[he2]
- see also 橙汁[cheng2 zhi1]
shì- Gestalt (loanword)
- see 格斯塔[Ge2 si1 ta3]
láncài- see 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2]
zōngsuōmāo- see 蟹獴[xie4 meng3]
zizhī- orange juice
- CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[he2]
- see also 橙汁[cheng2 zhi1]
shān- see 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]
- black-boned chicken
- silky fowl
- silkie
jiān- see 比基尼[bi3 ji1 ni2]
bìng- see 氟骨症[fu2 gu3 zheng4]
āntóng- see 氯胺酮[lu:4 an4 tong2]
- ketamine
méizhǎngyǎn- see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]
Shāhuà- see 啟海話|启海话[Qi3 hai3 hua4]
dōngshī- shrew
- see also 河東獅吼|河东狮吼[He2 dong1 shi1 hou3]
YángshānGǎng- see 洋山深水港[Yang2 shan1 Shen1 shui3 gang3]
Hǎinánzhōu- see 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]
Hǎigēn- Heineken (Dutch brewing company)
- see also 喜力[Xi3 li4]
hǎishā- house built with cheap, unreliable concrete which contains a high quantity of sea sand
- see also 海砂[hai3 sha1]
shuànhuǒguō- see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]
yóuyǒng- see 泳褲|泳裤[yong3 ku4]
滿Mǎnjiā- Ming Dynasty name for modern day Malacca
- see also 馬六甲|马六甲[Ma3 liu4 jia3]
xièzi- see 瀉肚|泻肚[xie4 du4]
- see 無殼蝸牛|无壳蜗牛[wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2]
dēngxīncǎo- see 燈心草|灯心草[deng1 xin1 cao3]
dēngcǎoróng- see 燈芯絨|灯芯绒[deng1 xin1 rong2]
niúxìngzi- see 牛性[niu2 xing4]
fànbushàng- see 犯不著|犯不着[fan4 bu5 zhao2]
měngxiàng- see 猛獁|猛犸[meng3 ma3]
hóumiànbāo- see 猴麵包樹|猴面包树[hou2 mian4 bao1 shu4]
WángXīnlíng- stage name of Cyndi Wang
- see 王君如[Wang2 Jun1 ru2]
jiāzōng- see 唯識宗|唯识宗[Wei2 shi2 zong1]
tián- see 天婦羅|天妇罗[tian1 fu4 luo2]
Báilíngmiàn- Baengnyeong township (South Korea)
- see also 白翎島|白翎岛[Bai2 ling2 Dao3]
báitún- see 白鱀豚|白暨豚[bai2 ji4 tun2]
Bǎitián- Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcoholic drink)
- see also 百利甜酒[Bai3 li4 Tian2 jiu3]
huángcài- see 茼蒿[tong2 hao1]
zhíbǎn- see 直髮器|直发器[zhi2 fa4 qi4]
kànbuchū- can't see
- can't make out
- unable to tell
kànbuguàn- cannot bear to see
- to hate
- to dislike
- to disapprove
kànbuguò- cannot stand by idly and watch
- unable to put up with it any longer
- see 看不過去|看不过去[kan4 bu5 guo4 qu5]
kànjiàn- can see
- visible
zhēnfēnshù- proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five sevenths)
- see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数[jia3 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]
Shāyuè- see 沙撈越|沙捞越[Sha1 lao1 yue4]
禿bǎogài- name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14)
- see also [mi4]
kōngxīncài- see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]
lifǎn- see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗[wo1 li5 dou4]
qióngèrdài- those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s
- see also 富二代[fu4 er4 dai4]
dāopáng- name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in , , etc
- see also [dao1]
Duānyángjié- see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2]
zhú- black-boned chicken
- silky fowl
- silkie
- Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson
- see also 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]
chúnyán- see 素顏|素颜[su4 yan2]
wěiměng- meerkat
- see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
wéilún- see 維綸|维纶[wei2 lun2]
yīngchì- see 薊馬|蓟马[ji4 ma3]
shuǎhuátóu- see 耍滑[shua3 hua2]
Ròujié- see 開齋節|开斋节[Kai1 zhai1 jie2]
pàngtóu- see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2]
Zhìmíng- Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader
- see also 胡志明市[Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 Shi4]
nǎoguāzi- see 腦瓜|脑瓜[nao3 gua1]
nǎodiàn- see 腦波|脑波[nao3 bo1]
jiǎozi- see 腳丫子|脚丫子[jiao3 ya1 zi5]
tuǐhào- see 腿號|腿号[tui3 hao4]
zhìquán- rights of autonomy
- autonomy
- see 自治
ránrén- natural person (law)
- see also 法人[fa3 ren2]
- see 色眯眯[se4 mi1 mi1]
piào- forged money
- fictitious bills
- see also 芭樂|芭乐[ba1 le4]
ěrméng- hormone (loanword)
- see 激素[ji1 su4]
láijiǔ- see 朗姆酒[lang3 mu3 jiu3]
- see 台灣葉鼻蝠|台湾叶鼻蝠[Tai2 wan1 Ye4 bi2 fu2]
niānrhuài- appearing genuine, but actually nasty or devious
- see also 蔫土匪[nian1 tu3 fei3]
niānfěi- scoundrel with an honest demeanor
- see also 蔫兒壞|蔫儿坏[nian1 r5 huai4]
JiāngTàigōng- see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
- see 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[sha1 qi2 ma3]
yǎozhū- see 刈包[gua4 bao1]
tóu- name of "tiger" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 141)
- see also [hu1]
chóngzi- see 蟲牙|虫牙[chong2 ya2]
zhuāngménmiàn- see 裝點門面|装点门面[zhuang1 dian3 men2 mian4]
西西yángjǐng- see 西洋鏡|西洋镜[xi1 yang2 jing4]
jiànbu- not fit to be seen by
- should not be exposed to
- can't bear to see
yánpáng- name of "speech" or "words" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149)
- see also |[yan2]
Jiǎ- Jobs (name)
- see also 史提夫賈伯斯|史提夫贾伯斯[Shi3 ti2 fu1 · Jia3 bo2 si1], Steve Jobs
Sàixiānsheng- "Mr Science", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动[Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4]
- abbr. for 賽因斯|赛因斯[sai4 yin1 si1]
- see also 德先生[De2 xian1 sheng5]
chìxiǎodòu- see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4]
zǒuwéishàng- If everything else fails, retreat. (idiom)
- see also 三十六計走為上策|三十六计走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]
zǒuménzi- see 走門路|走门路[zou3 men2 lu4]
tōngxīncài- see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]
西西fēn- see 芬奇|芬奇[Da2 · Fen1 qi2]
- Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)
- see also 哥斯拉[Ge1 si1 la1]
Tiěguǎi- see 李鐵拐|李铁拐[Li3 Tie3 guai3]
tiědànzi- see 鐵球|铁球[tie3 qiu2]
méngēng- see 吃閉門羹|吃闭门羹[chi1 bi4 men2 geng1]
Ājiāwéi- see 阿爾加維|阿尔加维[A1 er3 jia1 wei2]
Ā- see 阿伊努[A1 yi1 nu3]
suíshēndié- USB flash drive (Tw)
- see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
tóu- Gorgon fruit
- Semen euryales (botany)
- see also 芡實|芡实[qian4 shi2]
diànzipán- USB flash drive
- see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
fēnghuà- see 紅燈區|红灯区[hong2 deng1 qu1]
shíxièměng- see 蟹獴[xie4 meng3]
zi- see 馬駒|马驹[ma3 ju1]
nàoxīnfáng- see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2]
guǐshēn- see 鬼壓床|鬼压床[gui3 ya1 chuang2]
niǎokàn- bird's-eye view
- see also 俯瞰圖|俯瞰图[fu3 kan4 tu2]
Màijīn- see 麥金塔電腦|麦金塔电脑[Mai4 jin1 ta3 dian4 nao3]
huángshǔláng- see 黃鼬|黄鼬[huang2 you4]
hēi- see 烏壓壓|乌压压[wu1 ya1 ya1]
齿chǐchúnyīn- see 唇齒音|唇齿音[chun2 chi3 yin1]
zhīwèishèn- see 一之為甚|一之为甚[yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4]
mìngguītiān- see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]
西西mìngguī- see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]
mìngguīyīn- see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]
chàngsāntàn- see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]
- see 一字不漏[yi1 zi4 bu4 lou4]
wǎngzhíqián- see 一往無前|一往无前[yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2]
- see 亦步亦趨|亦步亦趋[yi4 bu4 yi4 qu1]
yǎnwàng- as far as the eye can see
- see 一語中的|一语中的[yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4]
hòngérsàn- see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]
zuǐzhāng- see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2]
- see 黑白無常|黑白无常[Hei1 Bai2 Wu2 chang2]
sāngōngxiāofèi- see 三公經費|三公经费[san1 gong1 jing1 fei4]
sānzhènchū- see 三振[san1 zhen4]
sānhàodiànchí- C size battery (PRC)
- AA battery (Taiwan)
- see 二號電池|二号电池 (C battery in Taiwan) and 五號電池|五号电池 (AA battery in PRC)
jiāsuǒ- see 不假思索[bu4 jia3 si1 suo3]
zhīhài- see 不知好歹[bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3]
jiànsàn- (lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave (idiom)
- Be sure to wait!
- See you there!
zhǎngyǎnjing- see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]

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