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Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

HSK character list - page 9

HSK (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì; 汉语水平考试), translated as Chinese Proficiency Test or Chinese Standard Exam, is China's standardized exam for non-native speakers that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency.

The test consists of 6 levels and list of words that need to be known is provided for each level. No character lists are provided separately, therefore the characters presented on this page were derived from these word lists.

Show: all HSK characters | HSK 1 | HSK 2 | HSK 3 | HSK 4 | HSK 5 | HSK 6

Please be aware that the character lists for HSK levels provided on this website are not cumulative (contain only new characters). Therefore if you for example prepare for HSK level 4, you should not only learn the characters for level 4, but also for previous levels (1, 2 and 3).

2663 characters
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PinyinDefinitionRadicalStroke countHSK levelGeneral Standard#Frequency rank
jìngfinally, after all, at last 117.61142390706
arouse, excite, incite; quickly 85.131643379710
yǎnperform, put on; exercise 85.111443167715
pànjudge; discriminate; conclude 18.5740849719
already; de facto; since; then 71.5941721724
accumulate, store up, amass 115.51041945728
abundant, ample; rich, wealthy 40.91242781733
zhàndivine; observe; versify 25.3540228737
xiūstudy; repair; cultivate 9.8941560740
jiàngdescend, fall, drop; lower, down 170.6841321744
jiānhard, strong, firm; resolute 32.4740712748
miǎnspare; excuse from; evade 10.5740810755
press; oppress; crush; pressure 27.4640385756
yǎngraise, rear, bring up; support 12.7941641760
怀huáibosom, breast; carry in bosom 61.4740873762
luànconfusion, state of chaos, revolt 5.6740762765
hángsail; navigate; ship, boat 137.41041981773
yōusuperior, excellent; actor 9.4640461774
zhemanifest; (Cant.) to wear 140.81142198777
fènportion, part; duty 9.4640471784
art; talent, ability; craft 140.1440086786
gàigenerally, approximately 75.91342871791
gǎnto dare, venture; bold, brave 66.81142470795
door; family 63.0440170801
yángocean, sea; foreign; western 85.6941679803
kuǎnitem, article; clause; fund 76.81242508807
píngappraise, criticize, evaluate 149.5740887809
zuòseat; stand, base广 53.71042025812
shìinterprete, elucidate; release 165.51242710813
jǐngscenery, view; conditions 72.81242626814
dēngrise, mount, board, climb 105.71242813817
huògoods, commodities, products 154.4841151818
mutually, reciprocally 7.2440106819
give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 9.3540269820
wēidangerous, precarious; high 26.4640499826
tǎoto discuss; ask for, beg; demand; dun; marry 149.3540315833
beautiful, magnificent, elegant 3.7740699834
series, serial order, sequence广 53.4740840836
yǒnglong, perpetual, eternal, forever 85.1540324842
breathe sigh, exhale; call, shout 30.5841099843
wèitaste, smell, odor; delicacy 30.5841078844
shāsand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 85.4740860848
diàoturn, move; shake, wag; drop down 64.81142170849
mixed, blended; mix, mingle 75.2640498853
err, make mistake; interfere 149.7941714854
jiǎndecrease, subtract, diminish 15.91142375857
kěnwilling; consent to, permit 130.4841067860
bàibe defeated, decline, fail 154.4841113862
mèngdream; visionary; wishful 75.71142221865
sànscatter, disperse, break up 66.81242546866
wēnlukewarm 85.91242757867
kùnto surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 31.4740734868
fēngletter, envelope; feudal 41.6941366871
quēbe short of, lack; gap, deficit 121.41041935875
kǒngfear; fearful, apprehensive 61.61041810891
sōngpine tree; fir tree 75.4841026895
be concerned, worry about 61.61041882901
xìngluck(ily), favor, fortunately 51.5840983902
gǎnpursue, follow; expel, drive away 156.31041788908
theatrical plays, opera, drama 18.81042132909
to harmonize, to rhyme; to unite; (borrowed for) leaf 30.2540238920
inhale, suck in; absorb; attract 30.4640431924
yaparticle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten 30.4740729929
shùnobey, submit to, go along with 181.3941559938
shūtransport, carry, haul 159.91342890939
zhāobeckon, summon; recruit, levy 64.5840988941
tuōtake off 130.71142360943
yóuoil, fat, grease, lard; paints 85.5841248948
cáimaterial, stuff; timber; talent 75.3740681952
gamble, play games; wide, broad 24.101242521965
yānsmoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes 86.61042062967
shòugive to, transmit; confer 64.81142177968
jìnrestrict, prohibit, forbid 113.81342863986
sūngrandchild, descendent; surname 39.3640570995
piānchapter, section, essay, article 118.915432681008
biàneverywhere, all over, throughout 162.912427881012
chǔfoundation stone, plinth 112.510418661014
fānflip over, upset, capsize 124.1218434451027
sēnforest; luxuriant vegetation 75.812425671029
silent; quiet, still; dark 203.416433521031
shúwell-cooked; ripe; familiar with 86.1115432781035
huǒcompanion, colleague; utensils 9.46404751047
nòngdo, play or fiddle with; alley 55.47406001053
dāoknife; old coin; measure 18.02400181067
chuāngwindow 116.712427861074
xǐngwake up; sober up; startle 164.916433361075
gòubuy, purchase; hire 154.48411171078
tiger; brave, fierce; surname 141.28410711083
yángscatter, spread; praise 64.36403681084
end, finish, conclude; completed 81.26404091093
yóuespecially, particularly 43.14400981099
jìngcontend, vie, compete 117.510420431100
reject, abandon, discard 55.47408421105
hemp, jute, flax; sesame 200.011423791108
shēnto state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 102.05402401110
shòusell 30.811423321114
zhēnneedle; pin; tack; acupuncture 167.27407571116
bàoembrace, hold in arms, enfold 64.58409781122
drum; beat, top, strike 207.013428371123
zhíplant, trees, plants; grow 75.812425661124

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HSK level - whether character appears on the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Chinese Proficiency Test) word list and on what level.
General Standard# - index number in the Table of General Standard Chinese Characters.
Frequency rank - based on Jun Da's Modern Chinese Character Frequency List.

This website combine data from several databases (notably: Unihan, CC-CEDICT). Please be aware that some information presented may be incorrect, especially for very rare Chinese characters. We take no responsibility for incorrect data, though we constantly try to make the website as accurate as possible.

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