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Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

Dictionary - results for

làn- overflowing
- excessive
- indiscriminate
làn- clichéd
- tacky
fànlàn- to be in flood
- to overflow (the banks)
- to inundate
- to spread unchecked
làn- excessive
- exorbitant
- excessively
lànjiāo- to fall into bad company
- to make acquaintances indiscriminately
làn- to denude
- illegal logging
- forest clearance
lànxíng- indiscriminate punishment
lànqíng- fickle in love
- sentimentality
lànquán- abuse of authority
lànshā- to kill indiscriminately
- to massacre
lànmàn- arbitrary
- indiscriminate
lànyòng- to misuse
- to abuse
làn- indiscriminately included in company (without any qualification)
- see 濫竽充數|竽充数[lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4]
làn- scurrilous
- to scold indiscriminately
lànshāng- lit. floating wine goblets on a stream
- the origin (of some phenomenon)
調làndiào- hackneyed talk
- platitude
làntàozi- platitude
- pointless talk
lànhǎorén- sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
nìngquēlàn- same as 寧缺毋濫|宁缺毋[ning4 que1 wu2 lan4]
nìngquēlàn- better to have nothing (than substandard choice) (idiom); would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option
fànlànchéngzāi- flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with work
lànshā- willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom)
lànyòngquán- abuse of power
lànyòngzhíquán- abuse of power
lànkǎnlàn- wanton destruction of forested lands
lànchōngshù- lit. to play the yu mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products
- to masquerade as having an ability
- token member of a group
kuánghōnglànzhà- to bomb indiscriminately
zhìlànzào- to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work
調chénlàndiào- cliché
- commonplace
- truism
- stereotype

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