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Dictionary - results for inferior

- Asia
- Asian
- second
- next to
- inferior
- sub-
- Taiwan pr. [ya3]
liè- inferior
bēi- low
- base
- vulgar
- inferior
- humble
chà- to differ from
- to fall short of
- lacking
- wrong
- inferior
ruò- weak
- feeble
- young
- inferior
- (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than
sānliú- third-rate
- inferior
ruò- not as good as
- not equal to
- inferior
dàng- low-grade
- of low worth or rank
- poor quality
- inferior
děng- inferior
- low level
- rudimentary
- vulgar
- low
- inferior
wěiliè- inferior
- false
lièshì- inferior
- disadvantaged
chàyuǎn- inferior
- not up to par
- to fall far short
- to be mistaken
zhēn- wilderness
- bushy and weedy
- humble
- inferior
biéjiǎo- inferior
- shoddy
- lousy
- lame
- next in sequence
- second
- the second (day, time etc)
- secondary
- vice-
- sub-
- infra-
- inferior quality
- substandard
- order
- sequence
- hypo- (chemistry)
- classifier for enumerated events: time
- inferior gem
- a kind of jade
- agate
- inferior gem
- a kind of jade
- inferior gem
- a kind of jade
xùn- to abdicate
- modest
- yielding
- unpretentious
- inferior to
- (slang) to suck
lái- to confer
- to bestow on an inferior
- to reward
- not equal to
- not as good as
- inferior to
- it would be better to
liè- inferior quality
- substandard
- low-grade
huò- inferior goods
- substandard products
bēi- feeling inferior
- self-abased
xùn- inferior (often in the combination 毫無遜色|毫无逊色, not in the least inferior)
pái- inferior brand
- not the genuine article
xiàjiǎ- inferior nasal conchae
wàngchén- lit. to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up (idiom)
- to be far inferior
cánxínghuì- to feel ashamed of one's inferiority (idiom)
- to feel inferior

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