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Dictionary - results for humble

bēi- low
- base
- vulgar
- inferior
- humble
huī- to split
- to direct
- to brandish
- humble
wěi- humble
- rustic
- plentiful
miǎo- blind in one eye
- blind
- tiny
- humble
- to stare
fěi- poor
- humble
- unworthy
- radish (old)
lòu- low
- humble
- plain
- ugly
- mean
- vulgar
xiàjiàn- humble
- lowly
- depraved
- contemptible
bēilòu- humble
- petty
- crude
hán- alone and poor
- humble
- (Cantonese) miserly
wēiwēi- slight
- faint
- humble
wēijiàn- humble
- lowly
zhuō- austere
- humble
zhēn- wilderness
- bushy and weedy
- humble
- inferior
qiānbēi- humble
qiānchéng- modest and sincere
- humble
qiānxùn- humble
- modest
- unpretentious
- modesty
- emptiness
- void
- abstract theory or guiding principles
- empty or unoccupied
- diffident or timid
- false
- humble or modest
- (of health) weak
- virtual
- in vain
- where?
- somewhere
- anywhere
- wherever
- nowhere (negative answer to question)
- humble expression denying compliment
- also written 哪裡|哪里
- where?
- somewhere
- anywhere
- wherever
- nowhere (negative answer to question)
- humble expression denying compliment
wēichén- this small official
- humble servant
huīsǔn- to humble
fàng- to lower
- to be humble
cháimén- lit. woodcutter's family
- humble background
- poor family background
qiǎnjiàn- shallow opinion
- humble opinion
péng- thatched house
- poor person's house
- humble home
péng- poor person's house
- humble home
péng- poor person's house
- humble home
qiān- humble expression
qiān- humble words
- self-deprecatory expression
- to modestly decline
jiàn- (my) humble opinion
- humble idea
cuòài- misplaced kindness
- humble term: I do not deserve your many kindnesses.
lòu- humble dwelling
kàngbēi- neither haughty nor humble
- neither overbearing nor servile
- neither supercilious nor obsequious
bēihòu- humble expression for generous donation
bēihòu- humble expression for generous gift
péngwèngyǒu- thatched house, broken urn windows (idiom); poor person's house
- humble home
péngmén- overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house
- humble home
péngmén- overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom); poor person's house
- humble home

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