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Dictionary - results for excessive

kàng- high
- overbearing
- excessive
- to float
- superficial
- floating
- unstable
- movable
- provisional
- temporary
- transient
- impetuous
- hollow
- inflated
- to exceed
- superfluous
- excessive
- surplus
yín- excess
- excessive
- wanton
- lewd
- lascivious
- obscene
- depraved
làn- overflowing
- excessive
- indiscriminate
- excessive
rǒngrǒng- numerous
- excessive
- multitude
làn- excessive
- exorbitant
- excessively
- immoderate
- excessive
- not knowing one's limits
chāobiāo- to cross the limit
- to be over the accepted norm
- excessive
guòfèn- unduly
- excessive
guòfèn- excessive
- undue
- overly
guòduō- too many
- excessive
guò- excessive
- over-
- excess
- going too far
- extravagant
- intemperate
- overdue
guòdàng- excessive
- excessive
- beyond reasonable limits
- irregular
biāobǎng- to flaunt
- to advertise
- to parade
- boost
- excessive praise
yín- excessive rain
kuāzhāng- to exaggerate
- overstated
- exaggerated
- hyperbole
- (coll.) excessive
- extreme
- ridiculous
shìshuìzhèng- hypersomnia
- excessive sleepiness (medical)
rénzhīrén- excessive tendency to clemency (idiom)
- soft-hearted (pejorative)
wánsàngzhì- lit. trifling destroys the will (idiom); infatuation with fine details prevents one making progress
- excessive attention to trivia saps the will
guǎnshǒuguǎnjiǎo- to control in every detail
- excessive supervision
cōngmingguòtóu- too clever by half
- excessive ingenuity
chāoqiánxiāofèi- excessive consumption
- overspending on luxuries
guòjǐnzhāng- hypertension
- excessive stress
怀guòguānhuái- obsession
- excessive concern

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