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Dictionary - results for excess

yín- excess
- excessive
- wanton
- lewd
- lascivious
- obscene
- depraved
guòshèng- surplus
- excess
guò- excessive
- over-
- excess
- going too far
- extravagant
- intemperate
- overdue
guòliàng- excess
- overdose
duō- many
- much
- often
- a lot of
- numerous
- more
- in excess
- how (to what extent)
- multi-
- Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"
yòng- to drink to excess
- dissolute
miǎnpéi- (insurance) excess
rǒngyuán- excess personnel
- superfluous staff
huǒ- excess of internal heat due to poor general condition (TCM)
- the prestige of another person, which one borrows for oneself
tānbēi- to drink in excess
zhuìròu- excess flesh
- unwanted fat
- flab
- bulge
jiǔ- heavy drinking
- to get drunk
- to drink to excess
yángshèng- excess of yang |[yang2] in TCM
- excess code (i.e. the unused bits in binary-coded decimal)
chāo- excess load
- an overload
- overloaded
kuángyǐnbàoshí- drunken gluttony (idiom); eating and drinking to excess
chāoérùn- superprofit
- excess profit

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