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Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

Dictionary - results for arrange

lún- to arrange
liè- to arrange
- to line up
- row
- file
- series
- column
shí- to pick up
- to collate or arrange
- ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
pái- a row
- a line
- to set in order
- to arrange
- to line up
- to eliminate
- to drain
- to push open
- platoon
- raft
- classifier for lines, rows etc
cuò- to handle
- to manage
- to put in order
- to arrange
- to administer
- to execute
- to take action on
- to plan
dàng- to arrange
- to put in order
bǎi- to arrange
- to exhibit
- to move to and fro
- a pendulum
biān- to weave
- to plait
- to organize
- to group
- to arrange
- to edit
- to compile
- to write
- to compose
- to fabricate
shè- to set up
- to arrange
- to establish
- to found
- to display
shùn- to obey
- to follow
- to arrange
- to make reasonable
- along
- favorable
dùn- to stop
- to pause
- to arrange
- to lay out
- to kowtow
- to stamp (one's foot)
- at once
- classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
zhì- a stallion
- to rise
- to arrange
- to stabilize
- to differentiate
- to judge
zhì- to put in order
- to arrange
- to decorate
- to fix up
- to deploy
ānpái- to arrange
- to plan
- to set up
- arrangements
- plans
xià- to arrange
- to lay out
jiēqià- to discuss a matter with sb
- to get in touch with
- to arrange
cuòzhì- to handle
- to arrange
huà- to plan
- to arrange
bǎi- to arrange
- to order about
- to manipulate
bǎifàng- to set up
- to arrange
- to lay out
bǎishè- to arrange
- to set out
- to decorate
- to display
- decorative items
zhěng- to arrange
- to tidy up
- to sort out
- to straighten out
- to list systematically
- to collate (data, files)
- to pack (luggage)
liàochí- to arrange
- to manage
- to attend to
- to take care of
- to look after (the cooking)
liào- to arrange
- to handle
- to cook
- cuisine
- art of cooking
chóubàn- to arrange
- to make preparations
yuēdìng- to agree on sth (after discussion)
- to conclude a bargain
- to arrange
- to promise
- to stipulate
- to make an appointment
- stipulated (time, amount, quality etc)
- an arrangement
- a deal
- appointment
- undertaking
- commitment
- understanding
- engagement
- stipulation
biānpái- to arrange
- to lay out
bàntuǒ- to arrange
- to settle
- to complete
- to carry through
pái- to arrange
chén- to arrange
- to spread out
- to narrate in detail
- to describe at great length
- to elaborate
nánhùn- difficult to arrange

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