hanziDB Explore Chinese characters. Meaning, pinyin, strokes and much more.
Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

wèi(wei4) , wéi(wei2) , wēi(wei1) // pronunciations of 魏 in Mandarin Pinyin

Basic information about 魏

Unihan definition: kingdom of Wei; surname

Number of strokes: 17
Examples of other characters consisting of 17 strokes: , , , , , , , , ,

Radical:  194.8

Frequency rank: 1648

General standard index number: 3416

Examples of words containing this character: 北魏, 后魏, 曹魏, 东魏, 西魏, 阿魏, 魏国, 魏巍, 魏征, 魏收, 魏晋, 魏书, 魏源, 魏玛, 魏县, 魏都, 拓跋魏, 魏京生, 魏伯阳, 魏德迈, 魏忠贤, 魏文帝, 魏格纳, 魏都区, 围魏救赵

English translation (based on CEDICT):

- surname Wei
- name of vassal state of Zhou dynasty from 661 BC in Shanxi, one of the Seven Hero Warring States
- Wei state, founded by Cao Cao 曹操, one of the Three Kingdoms from the fall of the Han
- the Wei dynasty 221-265
- Wei prefecture and Wei county at different historical periods
- tower over a palace gateway (old)


Unicode code point: U+9B4F

This website combine data from several databases (notably: Unihan, CC-CEDICT). Please be aware that some information presented may be incorrect, especially for very rare Chinese characters. We take no responsibility for incorrect data, though we constantly try to make the website as accurate as possible.

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