hanziDB Explore Chinese characters. Meaning, pinyin, strokes and much more.
Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

lēng(leng1) , léng(leng2) , líng(ling2) , lèng(leng4) , chēng(cheng1) // pronunciations of 棱 in Mandarin Pinyin

Basic information about 棱

Unihan definition: squared timber; angle, edge

Number of strokes: 12
Examples of other characters consisting of 12 strokes: , , , , , , , , ,

Radical:  75.8

Frequency rank: 2897

General standard index number: 2563

Examples of words containing this character: 丹棱, 扑棱, 扑棱, 模棱, 棱柱, 棱台, 棱角, 棱锥, 棱镜, 穆棱, 绥棱, 翘棱, 三棱草, 三棱镜, 丹棱县, 横棱纹, 穆棱市, 绥棱县, 有棱有角, 模棱两可, 瘦骨棱棱, 花不棱登, 斯摩棱斯克

English translation (based on CEDICT):

- square beam
- variant of |[leng2]
- corner
- edge
- arris (sharp ridge formed by two surfaces meeting at an edge)
- protrusion


Unicode code point: U+68F1

This website combine data from several databases (notably: Unihan, CC-CEDICT). Please be aware that some information presented may be incorrect, especially for very rare Chinese characters. We take no responsibility for incorrect data, though we constantly try to make the website as accurate as possible.

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