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Most common HSK characters PRC's standard

Table of General Standard Chinese Characters - page 73

The Table of General Standard Chinese Characters (通用规范汉字表; Tōngyòng Guīfàn Hànzì Biǎo) is a standard list of 8105 simplified (and unchanged) Chinese characters. The list was issued in late 2013 by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. The characters are divided into three levels containing 3500, 3000 and 1605 characters respectively. Characters in group 1 and 2 (the first 6500) are designated as common.

The table below presents all the 8105 characters together with the index number in 通用规范汉字表 (General Standard#) and additional useful data (pinyin, definition, radical, strokes, HSK level, frequency).

The 通用规范汉字表 index numbers mapped to Unicode code points are available in separate text file: mapping table.

8105 characters
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PinyinDefinitionRadicalStroke countHSK levelGeneral Standard#Frequency rank
to cross over 60.8117201
xuànbrag; show off, promote oneself 144.51172027270
zhústern of ship 137.51172036227
língsmall boat with windows; houseboat 137.51172047327
zhōu 196.61172058279
happy 61.7117206
shū 163.9117207
chījar 98.7117208
chūa kind of animal like a tiger; fierce wild beasts 153.4117209
luólines 130.71172107997
cuǒminced meat; trifles 130.71172116735
liè 130.71172129477
dié(same as ) protruded bones, swelling, a crooked nose 130.7117213
name of fish 195.31172147398
xiāothe scream or roar of a tiger; to intimidate; to scare 94.8117215
lion; wild beast; wild horse 94.81172165928
jīng 94.8117217
juéto long for; dissatisfied to criticize 148.41172187451
𠅤 8.9117219
chěng广 53.8117220
qǐng广 53.11117221
a low-built house广 53.81172227254
chì 104.6117223
jiāothe fishing cormorant1772249020
jìng 117.8117225
kūncompliance; obedience; female 32.8117226
wénwen xiang, Henan province 169.81172275242
ram, he-goat 123.51172286337
yàng 123.51172298963
juān 86.7117230
lǎng(said of fire) bright 86.7117231
jùnto light 86.7117232
hào 85.8117233
𬇹 85.87234
tiǎnturbid; muddy 85.8117235
píngroar of dashing waves 85.8117236
name of river; old name of Baihe in Henan 85.8117238
bàn(Cant.) mud, mire 85.8117239
daub 85.8117240
𬍡 96.67241
língto pity; to commiserate; to have sympathy or compassion for, scared; afraid; fearful 61.8117242
hūnconfused, stupid, dull, senile 61.8117243
táncheerful 61.8117244
cóngenjoy, amuse, please; joy 61.8117245
chuòsad, melancholy, grieving, mournful 61.8117246
zǎnquick, fast 40.8117247
huànto escape from; to flee, to avoid 162.81172485955
kūntrousers, pants, shorts, drawers 145.61172527190
jìnominous or sinister spirit; vigor 113.71172538320
𫍲xiǎoscold, censure; lead people toward virtuous ways; small, little117255
knowledge; discrimination; treachery 149.91172566758
the countenance changing 139.51172577992
pénga bow stretched to the full; tensely drawn 57.8117258
jiànga snare 57.8117259
𬯎 170.97260
shùto exceed; a state in Shanxi province 170.91172617256
xìnghate 38.8117262
star 38.8117263
chuòperson 38.9117264
yīngbeauty; beautiful 38.9117265
huàtranquil 38.7117266
shú 38.8117268
kūn 38.8117269
chōulovely 38.8117270
quán 38.8117271
wān 38.8117272
táoto braid, twist; twisted or braided 120.81172777355
name of a famous horse 187.121172807108
jiéa marking line; ascertain, assess; measure 120.61272826587
an inferior gem 96.8127283
bèinecklace 96.8127284
chù 96.8127285
wéi 96.8127286
diàn 96.8127287
jade like stone 96.8127288
chūn 32.9127289
hèng 32.9127290
zhènroll up the sleeves; fight bare-fisted; strike, stab 64.9127291
yāoused in naming a place 32.9127292
ruánadjoin 32.9127293
zhéa sage; wise; sagacious 30.9127294
daub 32.9127295
duàn 32.9127296
hòubattlements, battlemented walls 32.91272976986
zhíconfine, tie up; imprison, shackle 120.61272986794
𪣻 32.9127299
𡎚piǎn 32.9127300

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HSK level - whether character appears on the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Chinese Proficiency Test) word list and on what level.
General Standard# - index number in the Table of General Standard Chinese Characters.
Frequency rank - based on Jun Da's Modern Chinese Character Frequency List.

This website combine data from several databases (notably: Unihan, CC-CEDICT). Please be aware that some information presented may be incorrect, especially for very rare Chinese characters. We take no responsibility for incorrect data, though we constantly try to make the website as accurate as possible.

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